Question Bank - Accountancy

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Complete consolidation as a class of business combination may include

Mergers and acquisitions
Pools and cartels
Trusts and holding companies
Trade associations and chambers of commerce


Forms of Business Combinations:Consolidation is of two types. They are:(A) Partial consolidation and(B) Complete a consolidationComplete a consolidation:Complete consolidation occurs when two or more concerns combine to trans­fer their assets and liabilities to a new company or when one company absorbs another concern by outright purchase of its business. Complete consolidation thus means the end of the separate identity of constituent units and their amalgamation into a single unit. Complete consolidation is brought about in two forms:Mergers/ acquisition: In merger one company absorbs another company or companies. The absorbing company takes over the assets of the absorbed company and often assumes its liabilities. Amalgamation: It means the formation of a new company to take over the assets and liabilities of two or more existing companies. All the constituent companies lose their separate identity and their members get an allotment of shares in the new company. Therefore, complete consolidation as a class of business combination may include Mergers/ acquisitions.

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