Question Bank - Accountancy

Here's the question bank on all the accountancy topics.

The ratio of equity share capital to fixed interest bearing funds is called _______

Proprietory Ratio
Capital Gearing ratio
Capital Tumover Ratio
Debt service Ratio


The correct answer is Capital Gearing Ratio. Proprietory Ratio is usually expressed in the form of percentage and it is also known as the Net Worth to Total Assets Ratio, Equity Ratio, Net Worth Ratio, or Asset Backing Ratio. It is one of the types of solvency ratios that indicates the capitalization and long-term solvency of the organization. 65% is the standard proprietary ratio. Proprietory Ratio = (Proprietors' Funds or Shareholder's Equity/ Total Assets or Total Liabilities)*100Where proprietor's fund includes:Paid-up Equity share capitalReserves and Surplus including capital reserve, revenue reserve, Profit and Loss Account credit balancededuct accumulated losses i. e Profit and loss Account debit balancededuct fictitious assets like miscellaneous expenditure not written offPaid-up Preference share Capital. Total Assets includes:Fixed assets (Plant and Machinery, Land and Building, Furniture and Fixtures, etc)InvestmentsCurrent Assets (Debtors, Short Term Loan Receivable, Cash, Bank Balance, Inventory, etc). Total liability includes:Owner's fundsLoansCurrent Liabilities (Creditors, Short Term Loan Payable, Accrued Expenses, Dividends Payable, etc). Total Assets are always equal to the Total liabilities in the balance sheet. Capital Gearing Ratio is also known as the Capital Structure Ratio. It is usually shown in a pure form. It is one of the leverage ratios that depicts the part of debt and equity in the financing of assets. The balance between debt and equity is shown by this ratio. Capital Gearing Ratio = Capital Entitled to Fixed Rate of Interest or Dividend/ Capital not Entitled to Fixed Rate of Interest or Dividend. Where capital entitled to a fixed rate of interest or dividend includes:Preference share capitalDebentures, Long term loans i. e. Funds Borrowed. Capital not entitled to a fixed rate of interest or dividend includesEquity share CapitalReserves and Surplusdeduct Profit and Loss Account Debit balance (Loss)deduct Fictitious Assets. Capital Turnover Ratio is also called as net worth or equity turnover ratio. It matches the yearly sales of a business organization to the total amount of its stockholders' equity. Its objective is to measure the percentage of income that a company can create with a provided amount of equity. It is a common measure of the extent of capital investment required in a specific industry for creating sales. Capital Turnover Ratio = Total Sales/ Shareholder's Equity. Debt Service Ratio is the relationship between net profits and interest payable on loans. It is shown in a pure form and is also known as Interest Coverage Ratio. The purpose of this ratio is to measure the capacity of the company for paying interest. Debt Service Ratio= Profit Before Interest and Tax (PBIT)/ InterestWhere profit before interest and tax means the net profits before the payment of interest and tax where interest means the interest payable on loansInterest means the interest on long-term loans.

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