Question Bank - Banking & Financial Services

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As announced in the Union Budget, 2018-19, the Government of India fixes Minimum Support Price (MSP) of crops at a level of at least ______ times of the all India weighted average cost of production.



The correct answer is 1. 5. Important PointsAccording to Article 112 of the Constitution of India, the Union budget also known as the Annual Financial Statement is a statement showing the estimated revenue and expenditure of the Government for a period of one year. The Minimum Support Price (MSP) is the minimum price set by the Government for agricultural produce. It is the price at which agricultural products must be purchased directly from the farmers so that farmers can get minimum profit on their harvest whatever may be the open market price. The Minimum Support Price is set on the recommendation of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) since 2009 taking into consideration the following factors:Demand for Product. Supply of Product. Cost of Production. Fluctuations in prices. Trends of market prices. Various costs and prices of the international market. Agricultural wage rate. The Minimum Support Price mechanism in total covers 23 commodities they are as follows:-PaddyWheatMaizeSorghumPearl milletBarleyRagiGramTurMoongUradLentilPeanutRapeseedSoybeanSesameSunflowerSafflowerNiger seedCopraSugarcaneCottonRaw JuteAs announced in the Union Budget, 2018-19, the Government of India fixes the Minimum Support Price (MSP) of crops at a level of at least 1. 5 times of the all India weighted average cost of production.

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